Jitendra Kohli
Managing Director - ElectronicTender.com (India) Pvt Ltd
Suresh Rajpal
Director - ElectronicTender.com (India) Pvt Ltd
Sushil Poddar
Director - ElectronicTender.com (India) Pvt Ltd
Jitendra Kohli, B.Tech. (Electrical Engg) 1976 from IIT Delhi, is the founder and Managing Director of ElectronicTender.com (India) Pvt Ltd
Background :
He has been researching in the area of e-procurement/ e-tendering, with focus on public
procurement, for over 20-years now. Based on his pioneering work, his company,
ElectronicTender has developed an innovative e-procurement/ e-tendering/ e-auction
software product, Electronic-Tendering Engine® (ETE), which comprehensively
addresses the requirements of ‘public-procurement’ globally.
[Based on available information, the security and transparency related features of ETE are
currently far ahead of any competing product in the world. Furthermore, the high degree of
configurability inbuilt in ETE ensures that it can be readily used in compliance with the tendering
policy and procedures of any country, without any customization of the software, as long as
English is the accepted language of communication]
His work, 'e-Procurement Integrity Matrix' is a comprehensive treatise on 'security, transparency and accountability' issues in e-procurement for Government and Public-Sector organizations. This document has been adopted and published by a reputable civil society organization focused on bringing transparency in public-procurement, and is available in public-domain for the benefit of all concerned. The Government of India's 'guidelines for e-procurement' have taken inspiration from his writings on the security and transparency related aspects of e-procurement.
In end-2011/ 2012, his services were commissioned by the Asian Development Bank
for technical peer-review of the update of MDB's ‘e-Procurement Toolkit’.
In the month of August 2012, he was invited to present a paper at the ‘International
Public Procurement Conference (IPPC5)’ held at Seattle (USA). The paper titled ‘Red
Flags in e-Procurement/ e-Tendering for Public Procurement and some Remedial
Measures’ [URL: http://www.ippa.org/IPPC5/Proceedings/Part2/PAPER2-6.pdf ], was
found to be eye-opener by delegates from many countries, including USA and EU. His
participation at the European Commission’s Seminar on Electronic Procurement
(Brussels, 14 December 2012) had a similar impact, and he was invited to make a
presentation at the European Space Agency in Paris.
Earlier, as a Strategy & Management Consultant, he successfully handled major
assignments for reputable international organizations like – Compaq, Apple, Mathys,
Chase, Shearman & Sterling, et al; and prior to that as a senior Management Executive
in the IT and Engineering Industry, he had extensive experience of Government
He is the General Editor of The Business Guide to India (a best-selling handbook on
Foreign Investment in India, published in end-1996 by Butterworth Heinemann, UK/
Suresh Rajpal is the Director of ElectronicTender.com (India) Pvt Ltd.
Suresh Rajpal worked with HP for 29 years in numerous senior positions in the US, Canada, Asia and Latin America. He started Hewlett Packard's India operations in 1989, and was President of the company till January 1999. Under his leadership, HP India achieved the highest award for business excellence in the country - the "CII EXIM Award for Business Excellence". He was Director of Marketing, Sales and Support for HP's Asia Pacific operations whilst located in Hong Kong prior to heading HP-India's operations.
Suresh Rajpal received the "US Ambassador's Award" for distinguished service for strengthening the relationship between the US and India as President of the American Business Council.